Amazon Store, Anime, Black and White Designs, Gaming, Hand Drawn, Pixel Art, Redbubble Store, Text Designs
So, it’s great to work with a fellow likeminded seller. Even BETTER when they are on Amazon!
The link below leads to our shared Shop!
Part of my issue, as SAB-CA, is that I’m often alone in my endeavors. I feel I have to do all the heavy lifting for products, design, concepts… all of it from scratch, by myself. And that’s DAUNTING! It can feel overwhelming.
So I was happy to start into a long-term Partnership with Potluck on RedBubble. They’re a bit more universal in their topics, and I’m more straight gaming and anime. So, with their help making and displaying work on social issues, random ideas, and a WIDE variety of trends, I feel like I can reach out to a broader audience.
Amazon SHOULD feel AWESOME to be on! But…
It’s actually surprising to me how little traffic we’ve gotten so far! This is a website that gets millions upon millions of views daily. Why is it so hard to get those people to browse over our content? Original Gaming Culture Merch items don’t seem like an over-saturated genre there. SO MUCH of what’s on the site appears to be rip-offs of the same basic designs. Which, SURELY, have their place! We offer a few things like that too, of COURSE! But they should not be the only things for sale! Customers should see some fresh, unique works, too!
Internet! Make our WEBSITE GROWWWW!
Thus myself and the folks of Potluck continue to try and grow our combined brands. We each have our own social media accounts and promote each other’s works. But I’d LOVE to be the one to find THE customers who set some wind beneath our wings! Though I TRULY would have no issues with them doing the same, haha.
I think every artist goes through a time where they feel their works have NO fans, and no chances to be loved. I feel like I’ve seen it too often, personally. It feels even worse when instead of NAYsayers… you get NOsayers! People who don’t even feel the need to comment at all!
Honestly, it’s a good reason why the “Feels” portion of our Amazon shared site appeals so much to me. I want to have a platform where people can see that they’re heard. Whether it be as stupid an opinion as “Lag Sucks!” or as serious as “I hate seeing my people hurt in the streets! And disrespected in my hobby communities!”, I feel like it all deserves a chance to be given a visual ally to support your day-to-day activities.
Beyond fashion, clothes can say a lot about us, without us even having to open our mouths. They can be a great tool to allow a quiet person to still be remembered for an opinion. They can suggest a history of our journey, thought process, or just what made us smile today.
Final Thoughts!
So, yeah. We’ll continue to fight the good fight of GETTING NOTICED, but hey, we’d appreciate any actual help! Buy a shirt, comment on a design, or tell us something you’d like to see us tackle! I’ve worked with commission artworks for YEARS now, so I love figuring out how to give a visual comment of someone else’s typed or spoken thoughts.
What do you think?